Worship with us

Sundays at 10:30 AM

at 411 Washington St - Ida Grove, IA

Engage in passionate and sincere praise of God.

Encounter Jesus and His people.

Be changed as you listen to God's word.

Be equipped to make a difference.

New to CrossRidge Church?

We're ordinary people following Jesus together.

We strive for authenticity and genuinely care about each other.

We worship with conviction through ancient and contemporary songs.

Our preaching comes right out of the Bible and always points to Jesus.

We strive to be transformed by God's Word as He equips us to love God,

love others, and make disciples in everyday life.

Gather with us for worship on Sundays at 10:30 AM

411 Washington St, Ida Grove, IA

It's about jesus

We're people in-progress.  Our lives are imperfect.  

We're pursuing a life-transforming relationship with Jesus Christ together.

Our relationship with Jesus:

...unites our individual stories with God's Great Story

...realigns our passions, pursuits, and priorities

...mobilizes our service to His world with His people

...instills vulnerability, hospitality, and generosity toward others

...ignites a passion to lead others to salvation in Christ through our walk and talk

When & Where

411 Washington St

Ida Grove IA

get directions

Service Time:

Sundays at 10:30 AM

Every believer is called to join God's

disciple-multiplication movement; impacting

our region with the good news of Jesus Christ

in our everyday lives. 

contact us